Unleash the power of marketing automation

Target audiences at the right time, with the right message, and effortlessly nurture leads throughout their customer journey.

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Create campaigns
Track performance

Why small business need marketing automation

If you’re a start-up or small business that doesn’t use marketing automation, you’re leaving revenue on the table.


Marketing automation with email drip campaigns can be a valuable tool for small businesses, helping to address various pain points.

Guy with glasses looking curious
Time efficiency

Same time with streamlined email communication and outreach.

Consistent follow-up

Email drip automation ensures that follow-up with leads and customers is consistent and well-timed.

Effective lead nurturing

Nurture leads effectively by delivering tailored content at each stage of the buyer's journey.

Automate with triggers

Leverage powerful triggers to automate key sales and marketing interactions. These triggers can be based on a variety of customer behaviors, such as anniversary reminders, appointments, birthday reminders and more.


When a trigger fires, SalesFloor can automatically initiate pre-defined actions, like sending personalized emails, assigning leads to specific reps, or launching targeted marketing campaigns. This allows you to capitalize on buying signals in real-time, nurture leads more effectively, and ultimately close deals faster.


Ready to get started?

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and restricted by your current sales tools? Don’t let the pain of wasted time and missed opportunities hold you back any longer. Take control of your sales process, empower your team, and unlock your true potential.

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